Become an intelligent influencer
On The IQ Blog we post about everyday life, but with an intelligent profile. The blog’s influencers have a measured IQ of 131 or more (sd 15) on at least one standardized IQ test, administered by a licensed psychologist. Take part of our everyday life and the thoughts in our heads.
Want to contribute to the world’s smartest blog™, making the world a bit smartare? Apply to become an influencer by emailing and let’s take it from there. We do not discriminate upwards in levels or by domains of interest. If fashion, partying, health, business or space is your biggest passion, just go for it. All topics can benefit from an intelligent perspective. We make room for all types of personalities and traits, it just adds to the flavor.
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Better than one in a million, with the ability to convince anyone of anything. Nobody really knows who Henom is. Until Henom wants it. Maybe for the better.
IQ: 170+
Interests: To predict the future and understand Ellison.

Not as vicious IRL as in Sherlock, perhaps even the world’s kindest INTJ, but at least as brilliant. A true architect with a knack for benevolent manipulation.
IQ: 160+
Interests: Non-trivial puzzles, people, talent development.

A true lonewolf. Passionate artist, mastering many crafts. Likes to try boundaries. Most comfortable outside the comfort-zone.
IQ: 135+
Interests: Art, music, dancing, singing, training, science, tech, languages.

Ellison has the potential to learn and do anything. Not even Henom can compete (Henom agrees). Ellison might just be one in a billion. Time will tell.
IQ: 145+
Interests: Reality, life, intelligence and gastronomy.

Depressed optimist, introverted networker, mathematical musician, semantic genius. I create virtual worlds and I realise them with the help of text and music.
IQ: 135+
Interests: Music, maths, physics, science, art.

A true nerd, never backs down on a learning challenge. Getting his mental hands dirty.
IQ: 135+
Interests: Politics, languages, philosophy, games.

I want to understand. From the basics. The universe, people, life. Strong intuition for logic.
IQ: 146
Interests: Psychology, boxing, scepticism.

Project leader, musician, engineer, author, twin-mom with zero problems with leisure.
IQ: 135+
Interests: Books, books, books, music and tech.

Interested in people. Everything can become better. Wants to understand more. Loves to discuss topics and to enjoy life.
IQ: 131
Interests: Relations, society, philosophy, religion, sports

Never take anything for truth. You can only be wise if what you know is applied.
IQ: 135+ (FRT-A)
Interests: Media, society, maths, comupter science, pop-cult, justice.

Enjoys to observe and analyse people, things and situations. A true sceptic. Believe only what you understand: Nothing.
IQ: 142
Interests: Crime/criminology, sociology, psychology, physics and tech.

Creative and energetic artist, musician, teacher and mother of three with both feet on the ground – in a parallell universe.
IQ: 135+
Interests: Art, music, language and education.